Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Balancing flowers and vegetables

I've posted earlier about mixing my vegetable garden with my flowers since my backyard (as you can see) isn't too large. At the near left is my mix of zucchini and vinca. My challenge is the vining vegetables like squash and melons that require a lot of space to spread out. I also prefer not to get the vines messed up with my perennials. My solution was to use a large patch of my front bed for the vines and then to fill the front up with flowers (this pic is about three weeks ago). I'll post a new one in a few days. You wouldn't believe how much the zucchini has taken over and there is no mulch to be seen in the front as the flowers have exploded. Again amazing results when you go from a drought to a regular rain.


  1. Wow, that's really beautiful! When you're planting zucchini it always seems impossible that it's going to get as big as it eventually does, doesn't it?

  2. What a pretty garden, I love the purple coneflowers! That is a great way to work the veggies in and let the flowers be your mulch.

  3. Gosh, I thought I posted about this but I don't see it. Love your gardens all mixed up like that. They are beautiful and delicious. Hey, can't get much better then that!

  4. Thank you. The zucchini do overwhelm a bit but I have just had my first zucchini picked and it's perfect so I forgive them growing so large!
