Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Planting the garden

I planted my garden on April 19th after acclimating them to my yard. I will be applying mulch soon. Shown here is my Yellow Taxi tomato in a container. It took most of the day to decide exactly which one to place where - no matter how much I plan I change my mind on the day of planting.
Since Cindy is monitoring these blogs I'll ask my two questions about planting:
1. If the top stem of the tomato plant is damaged and breaks off - will the plant recover and grow another main stem?
2. When you bury the tomato plants stem what do you do with the bottom stalks? I worry that if I cut them I invite disease, but I also read that they shouldn't touch the ground.

1 comment:

  1. 1. The plant will recover if broken tips happen, it is really amazing to see what happens to them. Some folks snip the tips to make a more bushy plant and not as tall.
    2. I just bury the extra branches, I am always afraid that I will damage the stem if I pinch off those bottom leaves. I don't think that leaving them on can create disease problems underground.

    Welcome to the blog Diane!
